Awareness Generation
=> a. TO conduct awareness generation program amongst students, tribal youth, adolespents, women & general masses in various aspects & fields like NEAC, legal literacy, literacy, primary health care, cultural programs, sports, music, art, science, road safety, pollution control, population issues, enterprise
development, information technology, agriculture, RCH, AIDS, immunization, drug abuse, Indian system of medicine and homeopathy, human rights, national
integration, promotion of small family norms etc.
Appropriate technology
=> To provide appropriate technologies in different aspects of people’s daily working and life concerns.
=> To provide technical assistance to people.
=> To work for technology development in various sectors.
=> To facilitate delivery of technology to women and unemployed youth of the rural and urban areas through cooperation from state/central govt. /govt. bodies.
=> To organize bio-diversity conservation initiatives amongst all sections a community.
=> Conducting environmental education and training in the sphere conservation of forests, wildlife etc for rural/urban people. especially through organization of camps and lectures.
=> To work for maintenance and conservation of bio-diversity.
=>To conduct campaigns against social evils such as dowry, suicide, corruption. Illiteracy ,sex ratio, female foeticide, child labor and pollution.
=> . To launch cleanliness, sanitation and health education campaign.
facilitate organization of cattle/agriculture camps and awareness of the diseases in both.
=> To launch an awareness campaign against infant mortality.
Community Services
=> To setup the center for visually handicapped, physically handicapped disabled, hearing impaired. mentally retarded, multiple handicapped and orphan children and street children.
=> Formation of voluntary organization in rural/urban areas.
=> Assistance of weaker sections and marginal farmers.
=> Establishment of farmers c00peratives and community fund(gram kosh ).
=>Development of Children (balwaries) and youth clubs and manila clubs embracing people from all classes.
=>Peaceful resolution of local conflicts and disputes.
=>Encouraging landless labors, field bounded laborers and marginal farmers to get themselves organizes into vocations like dairy, piggery, poultry, fishery, cottage industries, handicrafts etc. to better their standard living.
=> To solve urban/rural housing problem.
=> Enabling the weaker sections of the community to take advantage of the various welfare schemes of the govt.
=> Construction of link road lbw cost houses and latrines(sanitation program) for people living below poverty line, like fred bounded labourers, marginal farmers, landless Farmer etc.
=> Repair and maintenance of tenements, especially for the weaker sections of the community .
=> Repair and maintenance of tenements, especially for the weaker sections of the community .
=> To establish cuttural center for artist in both rural and urban areas.
=> To establish village library to provide an interaction platform to the villagers with current happening in the world.
=> To establish homes(shishu grah) for infants for providing them better care.
=> To establish holiday home at various ptaces to provide local people a homely feeling away from their own home.
=> To arrange better rural water supply system with the help of govt.
=> To encourage discussion among groups on problems affecting rural communities.
=> To enhance micro enterprises in rural and urban areas by providing them guidelines and financial help.
=>To establish student hostel and health gym. To arrange science and technology for rural development.
=>To setup jan shikshan sansthan.
=> To solve urban/rural housing problem.
=> Construction of link road, low cost houses and latrines(sanitation programme) for people living below poverty line, like free bonded laborers, marginal farmers, landless farmers etc.
=> Repair and maintenance of tenements builds, especiaIIy for the weaker sections of the community.
=> Construction of rural and urban building center and community center.
=> To provide consultancy for various projects in different fields of development sector.
=> To preserve, develop, promote and disseminate tribal/folk art and culture.
=> Cultural heritage of different tribes all over India and abroad.
=> To undertake research projects in culture.
=> To set up multipurpose cultural complexeslcentres.
=> To conduct cultural program/activity for fund raising of trust development.
Disaster Management
In event of natural calamities such as draught, floods and cyclones:
=>To undertake voluntary work for victims of calamities through contribution, shramdan, govt. help Etc.
Education & Employement
=>To establish and provide educational centers/schools/institutions for non- formal education school education, higher education vocational education/training, computer education, education in engineering, education in business management, education in medical sciences, nursing college etc.
=> To facilitate self employment by delivering technical and financial services to the women and unemployed-youth of the rural and urban areas through cooperation from state/central govt. /govt. bodies.
=> To establish child labor schools at grass root level, block level, district and state level.
=> To run courses of different languages.
=> Organizing and running of adult education centers.
=> To set up libraries and reading rooms conduct study classes and organize cultural activities.
=> To encourage the rural/urban/slum people to adopt the latest technology in the field of education.
=> To create employment Opportunities for men/women and youth through vocational training facilities to trace out skilled force of women/youth.
=> To establish and maintain youth centers/theaters/libraries/reading rooms/lnformation centers, hostels, training and educational institutions for job oriented courses.
=> To start Ashram schools and secondary and higher secondary schools for boys and girls from backward classes.
=> To help the govt. in organizing and successfully completion of Literacy mission.
=> To conduct various research studies in the hem of education.
=> To provide sex education to adolescent gins and boys.
=> To apply for all schemes provided by government in education sector.
=>Encouraging the use of alterative sources of energy. like solar cooker. Bio-gas smokeless chullas etc.
=> To promote non-conventional energy sources.
=> To enhance the use of solar energy.
Foreign collaboration and contribution
=>To obtain foreign collaboration for transfer of rural technology, marketing processes, etc. from donating agencies in foreign lands.
=> To obtain the sanction from Govt. of India (Home Ministry) for receiving foreign contributions.
=> To open a separate bank account for foreign contributions and maintain the accounts properly.
=> To utilize foreign contributions so received for the up-liftment of weaker sections and marginal farmers in the rural sector With a View to ensuing the greatest good of the greatest number.
=>To implement various programmers of social forestry, tree plantation, community forestry etc.
=> To raise nurseries of various plants for income generating purposes.
=>To implement issues related programs.
=> To work for implementation of pre Natal Diagnostic Technique(PNDT) Act.
=> To implement projects on Gender Sensitization
=>To promote Handicrafts by developing artisans.
=> To implement the schemes/programs of various institutions/department engaged for development of handicraft sector like KVIC SIDBI, Ministry 0 Textile, NABARD, WDCA Department of Rural Development etc.
=> To run projects for development of handicraft through participation of Craft persons.
=> To upgrade artisan’ s skill through appropriate design & technology intervention.
=> To provide necessary market support and service to the product/craft persons.
=> To implement schemes of sericulture sector, wool sector. To run projects, scheme of nation of center for jute diversification.
=> To setup training cum production centers for promotion of jute diversification.
Health and Family Welfare
=>TTo run first aid and primary health center.
=> To run first aid and primary health center.
=> To carry out immunization nutrition for health, medical checkup and blood donation programs.
=> To propagate family planning schemes by supporting social programs like Marking of condoms etc.
=> To run reproductive and child health programs.
=> To provide free medical aids to the aged men and women, the handicapped, widows, free bounded labors and weaker section of the rural/urban population.
=> To provide portable water and rural/urban people.
=> To setup hospitals, dispensaries and schools in rural/urban areas, where the existing medical care and educational facilities are inadequate/required.
=> To start national heath programs for leprosy blindness. TB cancer. RTI/STl/HlV/AIDS and other non-curable diseases.
=> To provide counseling services to people living with anxiety of the unknown in pretest and post test counseling for HIV and to work for prevention of STD/HIV. To fight against drug abuse.
=> To initiate nutrition program for health of women and children.
To provide health training.
=> To conduct health training eyes camps for the masses.
=> To help the disabled persons purchase fitting of aids/appliances.
=> To motivate the people for using the India system of medicine and homeopathy.
Help to poor aged
=>To provide free medical aid to the aged, men and women.
=> . To setup poultry/fishery/dairy units to keep elderly occupied as also to generate income for them.
=> To arrange free feeding of elderly rural poor.
=> . To set up an ASHRAM “apna Ghar’ for old people with financial assistance from the central govt. and donations from voluntary agencies.
=> To setup DAY CARE Centers for aged.
Human Rights
=> To promote & educate Equality, as well as Equity. international Integration, Brotherhood, Non-Violence, Love. Peace, Justice, Protection & Promotion of Human Rights for all.
=> To suggest action for violation of rights by armed political groups and terrorists.
=> To create an environment well as an understanding that Human Rights can easily become vulnerable to abuse of various structures and processes of power and to examine the interdependence of and linkage between Human Rights and democracy, pluralism, development, ecological balance, peace and harmony at the national and international levels.
=> To make people aware of “Human Rights duties", privileges. conduct training camps & workshops, establish old age homes, residential/vocational schools 8. colleges, research & medical colleges and Human Rights Camps.
=> To promote art & culture, maintain, encourage, and assist/help setting up Centers for promotion of Human Rights.
=> To promote social progress and better standards of life and activity in cooperation with the Government of India and other countries to promote human rights education.
=> To develop a more distinctive and effective role for the international Court of Justice to fulfill the Human Rights and spread the messages/values of Human Rights by way of Human Rights education.
=> To open training camps and workshops for the development of arts, plays and culture and raise funds through subscriptions, donations, trade to fulfill the aims and objects.
=> To establish and conduct centers of treatment and rehabilitation for the victims of violators of Human Rights.
=> To actively join hands with the Government of India and other countries to promote Human Rights education and help legal, social and economic discrimination against women and their exploitation in different ways.
=> To publish books, encyclopedias, monographs. journals and directories on Human Rights and study and prepare reports on the violation, etc.
=> To effectively work for gender inequalities, exploitations and injustice as also to encourage 1 assist talented artists, poets, singers, writers, social workers, journalists, doctors, judges, etc.
=> .To organize and participate in cultural programs to foster a spirit of nationalism to achieve co-operation in solving various problems of economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights.
Information technology
=>To setup information centers at block/district/state level to help the people about latest developments. If possible these types of center can be setup at village level also.
Legal literacy
=>To make rural people Conscious of their rights and responsibilities enabling them to stiff for honest efficient administration speedier justice and for better education, health and other services.
=>To provide women in destitute legal aid and adequate counseling.
Livestock management
=>To establish research center for high milk yielding varieties of buffaloes cows etc .
=>To setup a semen bank for artificial insemination of animals.
=> To establish hospital and mobile Medicare faculties for livestock.
Marketing facilities
=>To setup OWN MARKET with the help of center and state govt.
=>To establish retail outlets for the farmers in rural/urban areas with a minimum of 20-25 outlets at different localities in Delhi for direct sate to consumers.
=> To setup cold storage for the farmers facilitate training, market linkage to the people including unemployed youth and craftsmen engaged in small and cottage industries.
=> To install processing plant for the farmers so that surplus stock could be converted into fast food items.
=> To provide technological and marketing knowhow and process to farmers.
Minority Welfare
=>Trust will make best efforts to work on welfare of minority section.
=>Trust will work to promote health awareness, education and all other sectors among the minorities.
=>To setup network of village, block, district, state and national and international level NGO's involved in development sector for better working and implementation of various schemes, funding sources and to provide more benefit to target groups.
=>To work for processing of plants, herbs, shrubs etc. for medicines.
=> To implement schemes of food processing sector.
=> To setup food processing units. food parks etc.
=> To carryout manufacturing marketing of low cost building material
=> To understand research & development projects.
=> To setup demonstration units & pilot projects.
=> To setup food & agro processing units.
=>To setup press & print literature, magazines & newspaper for social welfare.
=> To prepare brief curriculum for illiterate people and non-financial education.
Research and surveys
=>To conduct various research studies in the field of Agriculture, RCH, Pollution Control, Panchayati Raj, AIDS, Bio-Diversity, Education, Environment, Health. Watershed Management etc.
=> To conduct surveys on ,various topics related to development aspect of Community
=> To carry out surveys related to the socio-economic aspects of rural and urban life
=> Tb compose herbal garden to enhance methodology of Indian System of Medicine & homeopathy.
Seminars/ training/ camps/workshops
=>To conduct seminars, Conferences, lectures at grass root level, District, state and national level on all matters and problems affecting the people.
=> To make arrangements for such caliber farmers as are prepared to go abroad
=> To take part in debates and discussion on transfer to latest technology and marketing processes from labs and research centers to land.
=> To establish training centers for the farmers to impart knowledge about the latest technology to be adopted by them.
=> To organize seminars/camps/workshop/transportations and rallies on the various activities for betterment of the rural & urban poor irrespective of casts and creed.
=> To organize voluntary blood donation camps.
=> To impart training in horticulture, sericulture, pisci culture, floriculture. poultry, piggery, goatry, mushroom production, computer application production, stenography, knitting & tailoring, beautification trade, readymade garments, leather goods, handlooms, khadi & jute diversification textile, handicraft & traditional occupation to the poor & needy people and take above mentioned programmes for providing themselves a sustainable employment.
=> To setup coaching centers for SC/ST/OBC and others.
=> To conduct various refresher courses and orientation training programmers.
=> To impart training in co-operative marketing, processing and storage.
=> To conduct training for panchayati raj institutions with help of govt.
=> To periodically organize seminars, workshops or camps to enlighten people on the aspects of aging and the problems of the aged: how best to tackle these.
=>To establish stadiums (indoor & outdoor) in both rural & urban areas to promote sports activities for normal and disabled friendly.
=> To establish swimming pools to enhance swimming activities as sports.
=> To organize various sports meets at village, block, district and state level.
=> Conduct sports training and competition for disabled /children with special need.
Wasteland development
=>To develop wasteland through plantation.
=> Regeneration of degraded forest land.
=> Developing a system for surface water management for water harvesting.
=> Leveling, terracing and bonding of agriculture land in basin areas. Demonstration on reclamation of wastelands.
=> Social forestry/tree plantation, community forestry.
=> Development of pastureland for fodder and fuel.
=> To motivate village folk including women to take up wastelands development to raise their own nurseries.
=> Growing of fuel & timber spices on private lands in drought prone areas. Nurseries and tree plantation on private and common land.
Waste management
=> To conduct garbage and solid waste management program in rural and urban areas.